Selfridge Air National Guard Open House 2022:

Back after a five-year hiatus is the Selfridge Air National Guard Open House. This year marked the bases’ 105th anniversary with planes ranging from World War I Curtis JN “Jenny” biplane to the most modern F-22 Raptor stealth fighter. Located on the shores of Lake St. Clair, north of Detroit, Selfridge Air National Guard base is the only U.S military base housing all branches of the military, the Coast Guard, and Customs and Border Protection. The 9,000-foot runway is utilized by Michigan Air National Guard’s 127th Wing. The 127th Wing operates the A-10 Thunderbolt II, the Air Force’s tank killers and the KC-135 mid-air-refueling plane. In 2015, the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels preformed at the open house. I watched the air show from my in-law’s boat on Lake St. Clair, which was is a unique experience. Check out my pictures from this year’s show.

F-22 Raptor
Misty Blues Parachute team

“Jenny” Biplane. WWI.
P-51 Mustang WWII.
A-1 Skyraider, Korea to Vietnam era.
T-33, Korean era.
F-100, Korea to Vietnam era.
A-4 Skyhawk, Korea to Vietnam era.
F-16s, modern era.
F/A-18, modern era.
F-15, modern era
UH-60 Blackhawk, Customs and Border Protection
MH-65, Coast Guard
A-10 Thunderbolt II, modern era.

A-10s and KC-135 in formation.
F-22, Modern era.
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