Missing beach! Reward if found!

This 4th of July weekend I went to Lakeport State park with the hope of beating the heat. To my surprise and dismay, the beach was gone, disappeared. The rising water levels of Lake Huron has claimed another victim. Instead of a beach there is a sandbar in its place. . If you are checking out Lakeport’s beach rating, lower the beach size rating to 1 star for this season because the beach is gone. After having a picnic, on the bluff overlooking the water, I headed to Fort Gratiot County Park. Unfortunately, there was a traffic jam of cars trying to get into the park. As of Memorial Day this year the beach was still there at Fort Gratiot County Park. Maybe next year the Great Lakes water levels will lower so we can gain beach space, instead of losing it

Before, Summer 2019

After, July 5, 2023
Summer 2019
July 5, 2023
Find your beach, Corona.
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